Carlos monta una expo

Esta noticia que salió en prensa hace un par de días corrobora mi olfato para nuevos talentos. Pincha aquí y verás la entrevista y las fotos que le hice. Uhhmm, algo me dice que hay bastantes cosas mías en esta noticia...

Aprovecho y anuncio que my friend Carlos Arroyo Galaxia inaugura mañana su exposición "Be an Idol" en Amberes, Bélgica, en el espacio super trendy de

Suerte carlitos! seguro que sale genial, que penita no poder ir al final...

Esta es su filosofía

"We all had an idol once in our life, and our idols also had them.

It is a perfection that we can never touch.
In order to overcome our frustration, we pray hard, trying to catch some divinity.
The actual incarnation of our divinity is unnecessary, but faith is something magic. Idolization is part of human behavior.

We are unconformists as we aspire to something different than what we are.
Praying is absurd,luck is absurd, faith is absurd but worship is beautiful, flowers are beautiful, coins are beautiful,candles are beautiful, white color is beautiful; offerings are just a externalization of our need, a result of desire.
The offerings are vows to our idols and transform life. in choosing our rituals we win the favor of supernatural forces.

Decorate your life.

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